Customer Communication Guide: Examples & Best Practices

Customer Communication Guide: Examples & Best Practices

Updated : Apr 24, 2024
30 Mins Read
A picture of a group of people in front of a building, showcasing Best Practices in customer communication.
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Just like Leonard Bernstein was a maestro at leading an orchestra, you’ve got to be pretty slick with how you talk to your customers.

Think of this guide as your magic wand, helping you get your brand’s voice just right, respond quicker than ever, and make sure your customers stick around for the long haul.

We’ve packed it with examples from the real world so you can take your customer communication game to next level.

Who knows? A small change in how you do things might be the big moment your business has been waiting for.

Ready to lead the charge?

What is Customer Communication?

Importance of clear communication

At the core of every thriving business, you’ll find great communication with customers. This is all about sharing the right info or ideas with the people you’re trying to reach, using a bunch of different ways to keep in touch. It’s not just about chatting; it’s about building a connection and keeping folks interested in what you’re all about. Whether it’s updates, deals, or just a friendly conversation, it’s about keeping that conversation going.

Being good at talking to your customers is super important. It means you’ve got a clear idea of what you want to say, you know how to keep your message on brand, and you make sure you’re always there to chat when they need you. These parts are super important for keeping the lines of communication open and strong.

But it’s not just about throwing information their way. It’s a strategy that really pays off by making customers happier, more loyal, and more likely to stick around. Plus, it helps your business grow. So, putting some time into getting better at communicating with your customers? Definitely worth it. Watch how it helps your business bloom.

Why Customer Communication Strategy is Important?

Let’s talk about why it’s super important to have a solid plan for talking to your customers. First off, it can really help you keep more of your customers around, make them happier, and, as a bonus, it can make your business more money.

Think about it – if you get your communication right, you could see up to a 30% bump in the number of customers sticking with you. And who doesn’t want happier customers? A good chat can boost their happiness levels by 40%.

But wait, there’s more. Getting your communication game on point could mean your business is 60% more likely to see those profits climbing. It’s not just about keeping folks around; it’s also about stopping them from leaving. If you’re on the ball with reaching out to your customers, you could cut down on people leaving you by 33%.

And let’s not forget about the long game – a smart chat strategy can increase the value you get from each customer by 25%.

Customer Communication Strategies

Effective customer communication methods

Hey there! Let’s have a chat about how we talk to our customers.

You know, making sure they can reach us through any channel they prefer and letting them find answers on their own if they want to can really make a difference in how they see us.

Keeping our brand’s voice consistent everywhere and making each customer feel special with personalized chats can do wonders.

It’s all about keeping our customers happy and coming back for more.

Investing in omnichannel communication

Investing in ways to chat with your customers across different platforms – like emails, social media, and even over the phone – can really bump up how happy your customers are and keep them coming back for more. Think about it; when you reach out to folks through their favorite channels, you’re making their life easier, and who doesn’t love that?

I’ve seen numbers that show businesses making this move have seen their customer stick-around rate jump by a huge margin. We’re talking customers not just hanging around, but actually spending more money, which is a big deal. Their value over their shopping life can be 30% higher than those who just use one way to shop or get in touch.

Plus, everyone ends up happier, with satisfaction scores going through the roof. So, talking to your customers where they like to hang out isn’t just some trendy term; it’s a smart move that pays off in keeping them happy and boosting your business.

Providing self-service options

Making sure your customers can get in touch through different ways is a real game-changer. But you know what else can make a big difference in their experience? Offering them ways to help themselves. This not only makes customers feel more in control but also takes some pressure off your customer service team.

  1. Easy-to-Use Portals: Build portals that are a breeze to get around in. This makes everything more accessible and just makes the whole experience better for everyone.
  2. Keep Things Fresh: Always be on the lookout to add new info and updates to your self-service options. It keeps things useful and relevant.
  3. Give Power to Your Customers: When customers can sort things out on their own, they tend to stick around longer and feel more connected to your brand.

Measuring the right customer experience metrics

If you want to make sure your way of talking to customers is really hitting the spot, it’s super important to keep an eye on a few key things like the Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores, how quickly you’re getting back to folks for the first time (First Response Time or FRT), how long it’s taking you to sort things out on average (Average Resolution Time or ART), and how fast you’re jumping on new leads or following up on quotes.

Checking out your NPS is a great way to see if your customers are really feeling your vibe and sticking around. CSAT scores are all about finding out how happy people are after they chat with you, which can give you a hint about how good you’re at getting back to them quickly.

Keeping an eye on how long it takes you to reply the first time and to solve their problems tells you a lot about how efficient you are. And don’t forget, being quick to follow up on leads or quotes can really make a difference in keeping your customers happy and maybe even boosting your sales.

Personalizing customer interactions

So, you’ve been keeping an eye on those key metrics and working hard to get back to your customers faster. You’re probably thinking, ‘What’s next? How can I make our chats even better?’ Here’s a thought: why not add a personal touch to your interactions? It could really make a difference.

  1. Make your customers feel special: Did you know that just by tailoring your conversations, you can make your customers up to 20% happier? It’s all about recognizing what they need and like. This way, they know you’re paying attention.
  2. Send messages that hit the mark: When you craft messages that speak directly to someone, they’re way more likely to get involved. We’re talking about a 5-8 times boost in engagement compared to the usual, run-of-the-mill messages.
  3. Turn browsers into buyers: Offering a personalized experience can seriously up your chances of making a sale, with increases in conversion rates ranging from 10-30%.

Just by making these tweaks, you’re not only showing your customers that you truly get them but also setting yourself up for better results. Who wouldn’t want that?

Ensuring consistent brand messaging across all touchpoints

Keeping your brand’s message the same wherever your customers find you is like having a secret handshake – it builds trust, makes your interactions more meaningful, and keeps folks coming back for more. When your message lines up no matter where you’re chatting – be it on social media, your website, or in emails – you’re basically giving your brand a super cool, consistent vibe that people can get to know and love.

Think about it: when you’re out and about, bumping into the same friendly face everywhere you go makes you feel pretty good, right? That’s what you want your brand to be – that familiar, friendly face in the crowd. Making sure your message is the same across the board means people can get what your brand is all about, making them more likely to stick with you because they get you and trust you.

Channels of Communication

Effective communication in organizations

Alright, let’s chat about the different ways you can connect with your customers for support.

We’re talking about:

  • Emails
  • Instant messaging through live chat
  • Handy help desk tools
  • Getting social on platforms like Twitter and Facebook
  • Good old-fashioned phone calls

Knowing your way around these options can really make a difference in making your customers happy and keeping those conversations positive.


Email is a big deal for customer service, especially for the smaller businesses out there. Believe it or not, 81% of them use email as their main way to chat with customers.

Here’s the scoop on why email is such a hit:

  1. Making it Personal: Did you know adding a personal touch to your emails can make a huge difference? Stats show that emails designed with the recipient in mind can boost how often they’re opened by 26% and skyrocket conversions by 760%. And guess what? If you tweak that subject line to make it personal, there’s a 26% better chance it will get clicked on.
  2. Promotions and Deals: Almost half the folks out there, 49% to be exact, actually like getting emails with deals and promos. That’s a golden opportunity to get your message out there and connect with your audience.
  3. Set It and Forget It: Who doesn’t love saving time? With automated emails, you can respond to customers without lifting a finger, and 75% of businesses are already doing this. It’s a win-win for efficiency.

Live chat

Hey there!

So, have you ever been on a website and had a little chat box pop up, offering help? That’s live chat for you, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer for businesses and their customers alike.

Imagine you’re browsing, and you’ve got a question or hit a snag. Instead of sending an email and waiting forever for a reply, or hanging on the phone listening to hold music, you just type your question into the chat. Bam! You get help in real-time.

It’s no wonder folks love this. In fact, people are way happier using live chat – we’re talking a satisfaction score of 73% – compared to emails or phone calls, which score lower.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about making customers smile. This nifty tool can also bump up your sales. How? Well, it’s like having a friendly shop assistant right there, ready to help you out, answer your questions, and even recommend stuff. It’s all about making that connection, you know?

Help desk software

Jumping into the realm of help desk software, imagine it as this super handy tool that makes talking to your customers smooth, no matter how they reach out. Think of it as your go-to buddy for keeping conversations consistent whether it’s over the phone, through email, or live chat.

  1. Doing It Yourself: This software’s got a cool feature where customers can find answers on their own. It’s not just about giving them more control, but it also means your team has to deal with fewer questions.
  2. Better Numbers: It’s all about making things better for your customers, right? This software helps you reply faster and solve problems quicker.
  3. No More Gaps: Imagine if talking to someone face-to-face was just as easy as sending them a message online. That’s what this software does – it makes sure customers get the same great experience, no matter how they reach out.

Social media

Hey there! If you’re looking to give your business a bit of a boost, don’t overlook the power of chatting it up on social media. Think about it. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are where conversations happen in real-time. This is a golden opportunity for you to connect directly with your customers. It’s like throwing a party where your brand is the star, and everyone’s invited to chat. This way, you get your name out there and really engage with your audience.

But here’s the thing, it’s not just about shouting your news from the rooftops. You’ve also got to tune in to what people are saying back. Keeping an eye on social media chatter is super important. It’s like having your ear to the ground; you get to hear all the buzz about what your customers love, what they’re not too keen on, and what they wish they could get from you. This kind of info is gold dust for tweaking your game plan and making sure you’re hitting the mark with your crowd. Remember, rocking social media is all about chatting and listening.


Even though we’ve got all these fancy ways to chat online, a lot of people still like to pick up the phone and call when they need help or want to know something. There’s something special about talking on the phone.

  1. It feels more personal, you know? When you hear someone’s voice, it’s like they really get you. It’s way different from typing on a keyboard. That kind of warmth and understanding can make you feel like someone’s actually listening.
  2. Plus, it’s super handy for sorting things out on the spot. If you’re dealing with a tricky problem, talking it through on a call can get you answers faster than waiting for an email or a chat reply.
  3. And let’s not forget how important it is to handle calls well. Being quick and helpful not only fixes problems but also leaves people feeling good about the chat.

Self-service options (knowledge base, FAQs, tutorials)

Hey there! So, you know how sometimes you just want to find an answer to your question without having to chat with customer support? Well, that’s where things like FAQs, tutorials, and knowledge bases come into play. They’re like your go-to resources for quick fixes and how-tos, available any time you need them.

Think of a knowledge base as your personal library of everything you need to know about a product or service. It’s packed with info to help you out. Then, there are FAQs – these are the questions that everyone seems to ask at some point, so you’ll probably find what you’re looking for there too. And tutorials, they’re like step-by-step guides that walk you through more tricky stuff.

Now, not only do these tools make life easier for you, but they’re also a win for businesses. Why? Because they help cut down on the cost of providing support. It’s a bit like having the best of both worlds – you get the answers you need, and businesses don’t get overwhelmed with support requests.

Best Practices for Customer Communication

Effective customer communication strategies

To really get the hang of talking to your customers, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First off, make sure you’re actually listening to what they’re saying. It makes a world of difference when you tailor your messages to be both informative and personal.

Also, it’s super helpful to give your customers different ways to get in touch. Customize your messages based on what each customer likes, and you’ll see how much they appreciate interacting with your brand.

Listening to customers

When you’re chatting with your customers, really listening to what they’ve to say can take your business to the next level. It’s all about getting what they’re telling you, from their feedback to what they’re after.

  1. Hearing What They Have to Say: Make it a habit to ask for their opinions through surveys or by keeping an ear out on social media. This is a goldmine for figuring out what your customers are really looking for.
  2. Put Their Words into Action: When you get that feedback, don’t just nod along – do something about it. Update your products or services based on what you’ve learned.
  3. Show That You Care: When a customer reaches out with an issue, jump on it fast. This proves that you’re not just all talk; you’re ready to make their experience better.

Talking with your customers like this isn’t just good manners—it’s smart business.

Making communications informative

Chatting with your customers in a way that’s straight to the point and easy to get not only helps them get the scoop on what you offer but also makes them feel like they can count on you. When you talk to your customers like this, it cuts down on the head-scratching and boosts their happiness.

By sharing the nitty-gritty details and what makes your stuff stand out, you’re basically giving them a mini-lesson, helping them pick what’s best for them. The trick is to keep your message clear and simple, so they don’t have to wade through a bunch of jargon to understand what you’re saying.

This way, you’re not just pushing a product or a service; you’re earning their trust and starting a real conversation. At the end of the day, the aim is to clue in your customers, making them feel smart and secure when they choose your brand.

Providing a personal touch

Hey there! So, let’s chat about making your chats and messages a bit more personal – think of it as giving them a warm, friendly hug. Here’s how you can make your customers feel right at home with your communications:

  1. Get to know your folks: It’s like being a good friend. Find out what they like, what they don’t, and use that info to make your messages feel like they were crafted just for them. This little step can really make their day and keep them coming back.
  2. Talk their talk: You know how you talk differently with your grandma than with your best bud? It’s kind of the same here. Pick a way of chatting that fits snugly with what your customers dig. Be it straight-laced and professional or laid-back and breezy, make sure it feels just right.
  3. Don’t forget the ‘thank you’: Never underestimate the power of showing some love. A simple ‘thanks’ can go a long way in making someone feel valued and, trust me, they’ll remember that warmth and maybe even share it with others.

Customizing communications based on customer preferences

Just picture getting messages that seem like they were made just for you. That’s what happens when companies really pay attention to what their customers like. It’s not just about getting more people to pay attention; it’s about sending messages that really hit the mark, making people more likely to buy something or stick with a service.

To pull this off, it’s all about getting into the nitty-gritty of what customers are into. This means looking closely at the data to get a clear picture of their likes and dislikes. With this insight, you can come up with ways to talk to your customers that really resonate with them, going above and beyond what they expected.

Offering multiple channels for customer interactions

Hey there! You know, making sure you guys have a bunch of ways to chat with us is super important for keeping everyone happy. We’ve got phone, email, chat, and social media all set up so you can pick whatever fits your vibe at the moment.

  • Phone: Perfect for when you want to talk to someone right away.
  • Email: Great for when you’ve got something more formal or detailed to say and it’s not super urgent.
  • Chat/Social Media: When you’re looking for answers on the fly, these options are spot on for quick, easy conversations.

Having these different ways to get in touch means we can be right there for you, in your preferred way, making everything a bit smoother. Just think of it as us making sure you can reach out however you feel most comfortable.

Customer Communication Management (CCM)

Optimizing customer communication strategies

So, let’s talk about Customer Communication Management, or CCM for short.

It’s all about how you handle the way your team talks to customers, and it’s super important for making sure you’re hitting the mark with what your customers expect.

Getting your CCM strategy right is a win-win because it not only makes things smoother for your business but also makes your customers happier with their experience.

The role of CCM in coordinating how teams use communication tools

Getting to grips with Customer Communication Management (CCM) can really smooth out how your team chats with customers, making those interactions a lot nicer and keeping everyone happier. Think of CCM as the playbook for how to use all those different chat tools your team has, making sure you’re always hitting the mark with clear, friendly messages that show off what your brand’s all about.

So, what’s the deal with CCM? Well, for starters, it helps make sure your team’s not just picking communication tools out of a hat. It’s about choosing the best tool for each kind of customer chat, which means customers get the info they need without any mix-ups or confusion.

It’s also big on keeping your brand’s vibe the same no matter where you’re talking to customers. This consistency is key because it builds trust and makes your brand feel more reliable and familiar to people.

And it doesn’t stop there. CCM is all about listening to what customers have to say about how you’re talking to them. This feedback is gold because it helps your team tweak and fine-tune your chat skills.

In short, CCM is like the secret sauce for making sure your team and your customers are on the same page, leading to chats that are more like friendly conversations and less like talking to a robot. And who doesn’t want that?

The benefits of CCM for businesses

Exploring how Customer Communication Management (CCM) helps businesses, it’s pretty cool to see how a solid CCM plan can really cut down on how much you spend on customer service, and at the same time, make your customers happier.

When you get CCM systems going, you’re not just looking at shaving off 20-30% of service costs, but you’re also in for a nice 10-20% bump in how happy your customers are. These systems make talking to your customers smoother and more direct. And there’s more good stuff.

CCM systems can get your response times to customer questions faster by 15-20%, making the whole experience smoother for your customers. Plus, when communication gets better, you’re looking at a 15-25% jump in chances to sell more stuff to your existing customers.

The importance of CCM for understanding customer expectations and preferences

CCM is a game-changer when it’s about getting what your customers really want and like. Here’s the scoop:

  1. Personal Touch: With CCM, you get to send messages that hit the right note with your folks. This means they’re more likely to stick around and feel good about your brand.
  2. Hearing Them Out: Using CCM means you get to listen to what your customers are telling you. This feedback is gold because it lets you tweak your offerings to keep them happy.
  3. Quick to Respond: Being there for your customers when they reach out makes a world of difference. With CCM, you make sure their issues or questions don’t go unnoticed, which keeps them feeling valued and reduces the chance they’ll look elsewhere.

Customer Communication Tools

Customer communication platform importance

Alright, let’s chat about some cool tools that can really up your game when you’re talking to your customers.

Think about stuff like chat apps, live chat features, and call center software.

These aren’t just fancy gadgets – they’re about making your conversations smoother and making sure your customers walk away happy.

It’s all about keeping things flowing nicely and making sure those chats with your customers are as good as they can be.

Messaging software

Hey there! Let’s chat a bit about messaging software, shall we? You know, those awesome tools that make talking to your customers a breeze.

Think Desku and Intercom – they’re game-changers in the way businesses communicate. Picture being able to have a chat with your customers anytime, giving them the help they need right when they need it.

From answering questions on the fly to setting up automated replies for the common stuff, it all adds up to happier customers and stronger connections. Pretty cool, right?


Hey there! You know, Desku is this super handy messaging tool that’s all about making conversations with customers smooth and lively. It’s like having a magic wand for your customer service, and here’s how:

  1. It’s a breeze to keep all your chats in one place because Desku plays nice with tons of other platforms.
  2. Want to make your customers feel special? Desku helps you tailor your messages just for them.
  3. Keeping up with all those customer chats? Desku’s got your back, making it easy to keep track of everything.


Hey there! Have you checked out Intercom? It’s this super handy messaging tool that lets businesses chat with their customers in real time, across different platforms. It’s like having a conversation with your friends, but for your business.

Besides making it easier to talk to your customers, Intercom also has some cool features that let you see how your chats are doing. You can send live messages or even customize messages for different folks, making sure you’re hitting the right note every time.

Help desk software

So, let’s chat about help desk software. It’s like having a super helper in improving how you talk to your customers.

Think about tools like Zoho Desk, Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk, and Freshservice. They’re kind of like those handy organizers for your customer service. They put all your customer chats in one spot, so keeping track and staying on top of things is super easy.

Plus, they can really step up your game when it comes to talking with your customers.

Zoho Desk

If you’re running a business, you’re going to love what Zoho Desk brings to the table. It’s this awesome customer service software that really kicks your communication game up a notch. Here’s how it helps:

  1. Makes keeping track of customer chats a breeze with its ticket management system.
  2. Has these cool self-service portals, so your customers can find answers without having to wait.
  3. Puts all your customer chats in one place, so you’re not flipping through a million tabs trying to stay organized.

Basically, Zoho Desk is all about making your life easier while making sure your customers are smiling. Keeping your support system smooth and your customers satisfied? It’s got you covered.

Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk

If you’re on the hunt for a tool that makes talking to customers a breeze, you might want to check out Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk.

It’s all about keeping things tidy and efficient with its ticketing system, which is a dream for any team that needs to stay in sync.

With this tool, you’re setting yourself up to respond to customers quickly and keep them happy. Plus, its easy-to-use setup is a big help for any support crew trying to fix issues without a fuss.


Just like how Spiceworks Cloud Help Desk makes managing customer conversations a breeze, Freshservice kicks it up a notch by offering a full-on help desk software. This tool pulls all your customer chats into one place, keeps tabs on how you’re solving their problems, and even makes it easier for your team to work together. With Freshservice, you get to:

  1. Make talking to your customers super straightforward with a smart ticketing system.
  2. Use some cool automation tools to beef up your knowledge bases.
  3. Keep your customers happier by making sure all your communication channels are neat and organized.

It’s all about making things smoother for you and your team, so you can focus on what really matters – helping your customers and keeping them smiling.

Live chat software

Hey there! Let’s chat about something pretty awesome – live chat software. You know, like Re:amaze, LiveChat, and

These tools are like your secret weapon for chatting with customers in real time. They help you answer questions fast, which makes your customers happy and keeps them coming back for more.

It’s all about making those conversations with customers smooth, friendly, and super helpful.


If you’re looking for a way to chat with your customers in real time, Re:amaze is your go-to. It’s a live chat software that helps businesses connect instantly with their customers, offering support that’s both quick and tailored to each person’s needs. Here’s how it can make a big difference in the way you talk to your customers:

  1. You can answer customer questions on the spot, making sure they’re not left hanging.
  2. It streamlines your chats, with features like automated replies and smart chat distribution, so conversations are always smooth and no message gets lost.
  3. It allows you to give that personal touch to your messages, making customers feel really looked after.


So, let’s chat about LiveChat, shall we? Imagine having a tool that lets you talk to your customers in real-time, right there on your website. Pretty cool, right? LiveChat does exactly that. It’s like having a super friendly customer service rep ready to help out, answer questions, and make sure everyone leaves happy.

But it’s not just about chatting. LiveChat is a bit of a multitasker. It acts like your business’s best friend by keeping track of customer interactions, which helps you solve their issues faster. Think of it as a shortcut to making your customers smile.

And here’s the kicker: LiveChat isn’t just about making current customers happy. It’s also a wizard at turning people just browsing your site into fans for life. Plus, with its ability to connect with social media, you’re not just waiting for customers to visit your site. You’re reaching out to them where they hang out.

In a nutshell, adding LiveChat to your website is like throwing open your doors and saying, ‘Come on in! How can I help you today?’ It’s all about making connections, solving problems quickly, and turning visitors into loyal customers. And in today’s world, who doesn’t want that?

While LiveChat brings a lot of cool features to the table, there’s another player called that’s making waves in how we talk to our customers. Think of it as the friendly neighbor of customer communication tools, offering:

  1. Real-time chats that let you connect with customers right when they need you.
  2. A smooth support system that makes answering questions a breeze.
  3. Chat widgets you can dress up to match your style.

Knowledge base software

Hey, let’s chat about knowledge base software for a sec. You know, those handy tools that keep all the important stuff in one spot so everyone can get to it easily? I’m talking about platforms like Help Scout, HelpJuice, and Document360. They’re like the cool libraries of the customer service world.

With these tools, customers can find answers on their own, which is pretty awesome because it saves time for everyone. And when customer support agents need to swoop in and save the day, they’ve got all the info they need right at their fingertips to sort things out fast. It’s like having a superpower for problem-solving, making sure everyone gets the help they need without breaking a sweat.

Help Scout

Hey, let’s chat about Help Scout for a bit. It’s this cool tool that lets people find answers to their questions without having to wait for someone from support to help them out. This means your team can breathe a little easier and your customers end up happier.

So, what makes Help Scout so special? Let me break it down:

  1. It’s all about making life easier for your customers. They get to help themselves to the info they need, when they need it.
  2. Your customers are going to love how quickly they can find what they’re looking for. It’s all about getting them back to what they were doing, without the hassle.
  3. Everything your customers might need to know is in one spot, always fresh and ready to go.


Have you ever caught yourself thinking about how to make talking to your customers smoother, while at the same time bringing down the number of support requests you get?

Well, HelpJuice might just be what you need. It’s a top-notch knowledge base software that boosts how well your customers can help themselves. It gives them a straightforward way to find the info they need, making their overall experience better and taking some pressure off your customer support team.

With HelpJuice, you’re not just making conversations easier; you’re also upping your game in efficiency and making your customers happier.


Hey there! If you’re looking to amp up how you chat with your customers, you might want to check out Document360. It’s this cool tool that lets you pull all your info into one spot, making life easier for everyone.

It’s all about making things smooth for your customers, giving them the power to help themselves with a self-service setup. Here’s the lowdown on what Document360 can do for you:

  • Pull all your need-to-know info into one easy spot.
  • Give your customers the reins with self-service options.
  • Make chatting with customers a breeze.

Thinking about giving your customer chats a boost? Document360 could be just what you need.

Call center software

So, let’s chat about call center software. It’s honestly a game-changer in how businesses talk to their customers.

Have you heard of Zendesk Talk, RingCentral, or AirCall? These tools are making a big difference. They make things run smoother and really improve the way customers feel when they interact with a company.

It’s all about making those conversations between businesses and customers as good as they can be.

Zendesk Talk

Zendesk Talk is a game-changer for businesses looking to step up their customer service game through better phone conversations. Imagine having a tool that not only makes your team’s life easier but also leaves your customers smiling after each call.

Here’s how Zendesk Talk does just that:

  1. Call recording: Think of this as your quality check. You get to listen in and make sure every call meets your high standards.
  2. Call routing: Ever played matchmaker? Well, call routing is kind of like that, but for phone calls. It makes sure customers get through to the right person or team without playing phone tag.
  3. Voicemail: We all have those times when we can’t get to the phone, right? With voicemail, your customers can leave a message, so you never miss a beat – even when you’re not around.


Just like Zendesk Talk has totally shaken up how we handle customer service over the phone, RingCentral is doing its own thing for managing lots of calls. It’s all about making sure you can get through those busy periods without dropping the ball, and at the same time, keeping things personal with your customers.

They’ve got this cool setup where you can connect your customer management system and use IVR to make things smoother. Plus, with RingCentral, you get to keep an eye on how your calls are going, which means you can always be working on making those customer chats even better.


Hey there! Are you swamped with calls and looking for a way to handle them better? AirCall might just be the answer you’ve been searching for. This call center software can really change the game for you when it comes to talking with customers. Here’s the scoop on how AirCall can make a difference:

  1. Say you’re dealing with a ton of calls – AirCall helps you manage them like a pro. This means happier customers because they’re not waiting forever to get help.
  2. You know how sometimes you wish you could have an extra set of eyes on how calls are going? With AirCall, you can do just that with real-time call monitoring. It’s a great way to keep an eye on things and make sure everything’s running smoothly.
  3. Everyone loves feeling special, right? AirCall lets you tailor your chats with customers. This personal touch can really make them feel valued and keep them coming back.

CRM software

If you’re looking to step up how you chat with your customers, think about giving CRM software tools like HubSpot, Zoho CRM, and SugarCRM a whirl. These nifty tools pull all your customer info into one place, keep track of all the back-and-forths, and help you see patterns in what your customers do and like.

This means you can chat with them in a way that feels more personal and get to the heart of what they need faster. Let’s chat about how these CRM tools can really change the game for how you talk to your customers.


Hey there! So, you know how keeping up with all your customer chats, emails, and preferences can feel like juggling while riding a unicycle? Well, Hubspot is like that friend who steps in and says, ‘Here, let me help you with that.’ It’s this super helpful CRM software that keeps tabs on what your customers are up to, what they like, and what they’ve told you before.

Here’s the scoop on what it does:

  1. Makes talking to your customers a breeze. Imagine having all their info right at your fingertips, so you never miss a beat.
  2. Helps you get to know your customers like the back of your hand, all in one spot. No more digging through emails to find that one piece of info.
  3. Keeps the conversation going strong, so your customers always feel heard and valued.

With Hubspot, you’re all set to chat with your customers in a way that feels personal and direct. It’s like having a coffee chat, but you’re also getting all the insights to keep them smiling and coming back for more.

Zoho CRM

Dealing with customer communication can seem a bit overwhelming, but there’s good news. Zoho CRM is here to help. It’s a favorite among businesses for managing customer relationships.

What does it do exactly? Well, it keeps track of all your customer interactions, makes your customer service chats smoother, and helps you build stronger bonds with your customers. Think of it like having a super tool that makes sure you’re always on top of your game when it comes to chatting with your customers.

Using Zoho CRM wisely means you’re setting your business up for some serious wins.


So, let’s chat about SugarCRM, shall we? This CRM software is like having a secret weapon when it comes to dealing with all your customer information. It’s really cool because it puts everything you need to know about your customers in one place, which can totally change the game when you’re trying to talk to them or reach out in the right way.

Here’s the scoop on what SugarCRM can do for you:

  • First off, it makes keeping up with all your customer interactions a breeze. You won’t miss a beat.
  • It also gets smart with your communication. Imagine sending messages that feel personal because you know what your customers like, thanks to all those insights the software digs up.
  • And guess what? It helps you get more done without working harder. We’re talking about automating the routine stuff so you can focus on the conversations that really matter.

Role of CCM in positive customer experience

Customer communication impacts experience

Getting a handle on how we talk with our customers is super important if we want to keep them coming back. Think about it; your approach to chatting with your customers should be all about making things personal, staying one step ahead, and keeping your story straight across the board.

When you make your messages personal, you’re showing your customers they mean more to you than just a sale. You’re saying, ‘Hey, I see you and what you need.’ Being one step ahead and sorting out their needs before they even have to ask is a great way to show you care. And when you’re consistent in how you chat with them, no matter where or how they reach out, it makes everything feel more connected and smooth.

At the end of the day, talking to your customers in a way that’s genuine, thoughtful, and reliable is what makes the experience stand out for them. It’s all about making those good vibes that keep them sticking around for the long haul.

The impact of customer communication on customer retention and satisfaction

Customer communication and retention

Chatting with your customers in the right way could see you holding onto them 10% more and making them 20% happier. So, what’s the secret sauce? Let me break it down for you:

  1. Get in there first: Instead of waiting for problems to bubble up, why not get ahead of the game? It’s kind of like showing you’re in their corner before they even know they need you. This approach can cut down the number of people leaving by a whopping 25%.
  2. Make it all about them: When you really listen and respond in a way that feels personal, people notice. It’s like saying, ‘Hey, I get you,’ which can make them stick around 30% longer. It’s all about making every customer feel like they’re your only customer.
  3. Keep the conversation going: Regular chats not only keep you on their radar, but also build a trusty bridge between you. This can bump up what they’re worth to you over time by 15%.

Just by talking to your customers the right way, you’re not just hanging onto them; you’re also making them happier to stick around. It’s about being there, being real, and showing them they matter.

What do you mean by customer communication?

Customer communication refers to the process of exchanging information and interacting with customers. It involves all forms of communication, such as emails, phone calls, live chats, social media interactions, and face-to-face conversations, aimed at addressing customer inquiries, providing support, building relationships, and facilitating a positive customer experience. Effective customer communication is crucial for businesses as it helps to establish trust, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive business success.

What are the types of customer communications?

The types of customer communications include email, phone calls, live chat, social media messages, and in-person interactions.

What is an example of client communication?

Keeping clients informed about project progress, discussing project goals, addressing any concerns or questions, and providing updates on deliverables.

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Picture of Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani
Gaurav Nagani is the Founder and CEO of Desku, an AI-powered customer service software platform.
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